All Printed Patterns Are Now BACK IN STOCK!
August 28, 2022
Welcome back to the Hurrication QAL!
We are starting our blocks this week and I can't wait to see them come together. If you are making the throw size quilt with me, we have 20 blocks to make and five weeks to do it. You can either make 4 blocks a week, OR make 5 blocks a week with a catch up week at the end. Either way you go, this should give you plenty of time to keep up!
If you are making a different size quilt, divide the total number of blocks needed by 5 to see how many blocks you need make each week.
Let's get started. :)
I highly recommend making a test block before diving into the rest. It can be a good way to make sure you know what you're doing and a good visual check as you make your blocks. It is also a way to test of your fabric placement and to make sure you like the flow of your block.
In order to get the best results when making these blocks, I recommend pressing creases into the E1 square so you can easily center the triangles on the square fabric.
Fold the fabric in half horizontally and use your fingers to press down on the crease. Open the square, rotate it 90 degrees and repeat the process. To be honest, I don't bother to do press a crease into the triangles, but you can also press the triangles in half to find the center point.
If you pressed a crease in the triangle, line up the two creases and pin in place. If you did not, line up the center point of the triangle with the creased line.
I repeat this process again before attaching the B triangles. Because of the way the block rotates, you will need new markers. However, I use the same marks for C and D triangles, but you can re-press if need a more obvious line.
Finger pressing works well for me, but you can also use your iron if you are wanting a deeper crease.
Chain piecing is my favorite quilting short cut.
If you are making the Modern Solids version, chain piecing is a piece of cake! Make a pile of triangles and a pile of background squares and dive in. Just be sure you are sewing the correct color in the correct orientation!
If you are making a Scrappy or Ombre version, chain piecing takes a bit more planning.
First, I make ALL 20 blocks with the A triangles. I make these one at a time so I don't accidentally mix up any of my sets. Once all 20 A triangle blocks are made, pressed, and trimmed, it's time to chain piece!
I find it easiest to work in batches of four or five (see how that worked out! ;). I will gather the remaining triangles in the colors needed next to my sewing machine. That way, I can quickly I grab the correct color and size triangle from the stack as I need them.
I also like to set up a small pressing station next to my sewing machine so I can easily press each set blocks before sewing the next step. After each round of triangles, I square them up and repeat the process until the four blocks are done. It makes the process so much faster!
In the pattern, I suggest pressing the A, B, and C triangles to the side and the E1 triangle and snowball corners open. Those last two seams will line up with the seams on other blocks so pressing them open helps to reduce bulk.
Certainly, all seams can be pressed open if you prefer to do so. Remember, when pressing open, trim the dog ears before attaching the next set of triangles.
Do not skip this step! I know it can be tempting to think it looks square enough and you really just want to move on to the next set of triangles. Don't do it! Each round of triangles makes a block that is slightly oversized and needs to be trimmed down to the appropriate size to work. Accuracy is important here since each round of triangles builds on the ones before.
When lining up my ruler, I do a quick visual check of an inner square with the ruler so I don't accidentally square the block a little wonky (see photo above). I also check to make sure I have 1/4" from the point on all sides. Double check everything again, and trim the right and top edges. Rotate the block 90 degrees and do it again!
TIP: Place washi tape on your ruler to easily see where you are supposed to trim. Place tape JUST outside of the marks. If you place the tape directly on the lines, it can be hard to see if you are covering up the fabric with the tape.
If you don't have a large square ruler (I'm using a 16.5" creative grids rulere here, I love this one and I use it every quilt I make): here are two resources that can help!
I have a blog post/video tutorial on using two rulers to square larger blocks, and Jen of PiperAutumnFabrics made a similar reel squaring her Hurrication blocks. Check them out below!
The last step in making the block is adding the snowball corners. You're in the homestretch now!
Mark your squares. I like to use hera markers or a frixon pen to draw a diagonal line on the wrong side of the square. I sew my seam JUST to the right of that line.
TIP: fold the D square over and press it BEFORE trimming off the excess. It stays more square this way.
Also, save the extra triangles to make a bonus project. I'll be back later in the QAL with some ideas of what you can do with them.
TIP: Sew another line 1/2" from the first and then trim down the middle. This quickly gives you the extra HST without having to sew them later.
Each week I will be giving away a FQ bundle curated from my own stash! Here is this weeks bundle!
To enter in the giveaway:
– Share your progress on instagram using the hashtag #hurricationqal and #rsqpatterns. (Your Instagram account must be public or I won't be able to see it.)
– Because I want this to be a stress-free QAL, any picture of your progress counts! It doesn't have to necessarily “match” the prompt. If you don't have your fabrics yet, post the QAL graphic. If you have your fabrics, show them off so we can see what you're going to make! If you want to post more than once, go for it! All of it counts. :)
I will randomly pick one winner on Sunday night and announce it in next weeks email newsletter and in my IG stories!
Jill of J. Coterie is giving away free long arming services (up to $250) and will offer 20% off on any quilt you send in to her!
Rachel of Saltwater Fabrics is giving away a $50 gift card to her shop!
If you have any questions or any issues making a block, please let me know so I can talk about it in next weeks newsletter! From here on out, we will we be making our blocks. :)
See you next Monday!