All Printed Patterns Are Now BACK IN STOCK!

August 09, 2022

Do you ever have that lightening bolt moment where an idea pops into your head and you have to write it down/sketch it out/mock it up RIGHT. THAT. MINUTE. 

I was vacuuming the living room when I thought "what would Hurrication look like if I flipped the background and the corner fabrics?" I didn't even finish vacuuming the room before I opened my computer and started mocking it up. To say I loved the result is an understatement. 

At that point, I had already sent the original Hurrication pattern to the printer so it was too late to write this version into it. But I couldn't let it go. I had to make it. 

Luckily for you, I wrote up this PDF so you can make it too (you will need the Hurrication pattern as this is only a supplement)!!

I hope you love it as much as I do. :)

Get a copy of the Hurrication Expansion PDF here!


Want a cute Hurrication sticker? 

You can get yourself one here!

Purchase The Pattern