All Printed Patterns Are Now BACK IN STOCK!

July 18, 2018

If you remember this post from a long time ago, I shared lots of pictures from the first few weeks of the Sienna Burst QAL I was participating in. Well, the QAL ended weeeeeeks ago (months?), but I never finished my quilt. I was keeping up with the quilt-a-long schedule until the last week. I can't remember what came up, but I put my Sienna Burst blocks on the back burner while I worked on something else. And you know how it goes... the next thing, and the next thing, and the next thing kept coming up and I never finished my Sienna Burst quilt.

Publishing Snowflakes in July and Summer Garden this summer cleared a lot of the projects off my plate, so I was able to get Sienna Burst off the shelf and work on it again. Typically, I like to use my weekends for personal project quilting, and I do my "work quilting" during the week. I have to schedule my personal projects because I would just work all the time if I didn't.

I FINALLY finished my quilt top, and I LOVE it. I'm working on improving my quilt photos, so I took a bunch to share with you!



This is my favorite block :)





Isn't it beautiful?!

Next up, basting and quilting. That's on the agenda for this upcoming weekend.
